"DER MASS:STAB" and"WingsWorld"

Dear Herpa-Fan

The latest Herpa magazines are now available.

Being a "DER MASS:STAB" or "WingsWorld" reader you are always up to date on information around Herpa. In every issue, we provide extensive new releases reports and background information, interesting stories of the collector's items' originals and tips and tricks for your hobby.

Every two months, new Herpa magazines are released; they are available via subscription, from your toy store or from the Herpa Online Shop.

Have fun reading and collecting.

The Herpa-Team

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"DER MASS:STAB" 1/2011 "WingsWorld" 1/2011
Topics in this issue: Topics in this issue

Cover story: A giant in H0 - Herpa's wind power plant
Diorama: Backyard garage
Report: Heavy loads

Cover story: LAN Airlines - The new star in South America
Diorama: Going Green - greening of the model airport
News: Hamburg Airport - A century of aviation
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New eXtra Shop releases


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Now in the shops
The latest dispatch was commenced on February 10. Within the next few days, over 20 new models will arrive at your toy and model store.

Tip: Simply call our retailer before your visit to make sure, your ordered models have already arrived - since deliveries to all retailers require some time due to logistics.


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